Photo of Clara Valiño

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Galician birth. I think that I like so much art was inherited from my grandfather who was also an artist, I do not remember when it all began. In my hometown, to walk about art sites and Entar to teach you, go have exhibitions in different environments, in all that time I was also an art teacher for nearly 5 years a very stressful experience but with which I learned many things. Three short years ago I decided to come...

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Galician birth. I think that I like so much art was inherited from my grandfather who was also an artist, I do not remember when it all began. In my hometown, to walk about art sites and Entar to teach you, go have exhibitions in different environments, in all that time I was also an art teacher for nearly 5 years a very stressful experience but with which I learned many things. Three short years ago I decided to come to Barcelona ... "The city of light", the reason for my decision was a collective one in the hall Francisco Ferro and now I move on art world Barcelones. I am completely self taught and everything I do I learn testing, blending, reading, wondering ... My work is based on almost everything we experience in one or more lives, which can hold is important because it enriches without confusing the viewer. The joy of experiences we all have rendered with a touch of unreality ... exaggerating a rounded shapes and a merger attempt between painting and illustration without losing identity and consciousness of the human interior. Work on canvas, wood, paper using acrylics, markers, pencils and ink mixed with a base almost every time.


2008 Exhibition in virtual gallery / sifinearts.htm
2007 International Exhibition in gallery Marziart, Hamburg Germany.
2006/2007 Exhibition in Crea21 art gallery.
2006 Presentation at the BAC! 2006 (International Art Festival of Barcelona) with the circular universe works.
2005 Exhibition in alternative gallery in Manchester (England)
Project 2004/2005 advertising and production with original work for Halconviajes (Pontevedra)
2003/2004 Contributions to projects and assemblies installations and video installation with other artists.
2003 Making posters for cultural events, companies, individuals (Tenerife)
2002 Collective painting and sculpture at Sala Francisco Ferry Galician Centre of Barcelona with the Association of Painters of Pontevedra.

University Hall 2001 Santa Cecilia (Marin)
2001 Rapid Painting Exhibition Casa Rosada (Pontevedra)
2001 Exhibition in Casa Rosada (Pontevedra)
2000 "Novos Valores 2000" Diputación de Pontevedra
2000 Plastic Arts Competition Tuy
1999 Hall Financial Club (Vigo)
Room 1995 RENFE (Vigo)
Since 2001 participating in the Galician artists guide published by the Xunta de Galicia

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